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CleanAir has added links for cross reference and equipment to EPA Emission Test and Stack Testing methods to make them much more convenient to use for Stack Testers. We have also corrected some of the glaring errors that were published in the Federal Register. We try to keep them up to date and welcome any suggestions to improve. However, if you want to read the unlinked EPA versions they are at the USA EPA Emission Measurement Center .

Index of Linked Methods:

USA EPA Method 1   -  Sample And Velocity Traverses For Stationary Sources
USA EPA Method 1A -  Sample And Velocity Traverses For Stationary sources With Small Stacks Or Ducts
USA EPA Method 2   -  Stack Gas Velocity and Volumetric Flow Rate (Type S Pitot Tube)
USA EPA Method 2A -  Direct Measurement Of Gas Volume Through Pipes And Small Ducts
USA EPA Method 2B -  Exhaust Gas Volume Flow Rate From Gasoline Vapor Incinerators
USA EPA Method 2C -  Gas Velocity And Volumetric Flow Rate In Small Stacks Or Ducts (Standard Pitot Tube)
USA EPA Method 2D -  Gas Velocity And Volumetric Flow Rate In Small Stacks Or Ducts
USA EPA Method 2E -  Landfill Gas Production Flow Rate
USA EPA Method 2F -  Flow Rate Measurement with 3-D Probe
USA EPA Method 2G -  Flow Rate Measurement with 2-D Probe
USA EPA Method 2H -  Flow Rate Measurement with Velocity Decay Near Stack Walls
USA EPA Method 3   -   Gas Analysis for the Dry Molecular Weight
USA EPA Method 3A -  O2 and CO2 Concentrations in Emissions From Stationary Sources (Instrumental Procedure)
USA EPA Method 3B -  Gas Analysis for the Emission Rate Correction Factor or Excess Air
USA EPA Method 3C -  Carbon Dioxide, Methane, Nitrogen, and Oxygen From Stationary Sources
USA EPA Method 4   -  Moisture Content In Stack Gases
USA EPA Method 5   -  Particulate (PM)
USA EPA Method 5A -  PM Asphalt Roofing (Particulate)
USA EPA Method 5B -  PM Nonsulfuric Acid (Particulate)
USA EPA Method 5D -  PM Baghouses (Particulate)
USA EPA Method 5E -  PM Fiberglass Plants (Particulate)
USA EPA Method 5F-   PM Fluid Catalytic Cracking Unit
USA EPA Method 5G -  PM Wood Heaters from a Dilution Tunnel
USA EPA Method 5H -  PM Wood Heaters from a Stack
USA EPA Method 5I -   Low Level Particulate Emissions
USA EPA Method 6   -  Sulfur Dioxide Emissions From Stationary Sources(SO2)
USA EPA Method 6A -  SO2, CO2
USA EPA Method 6B -  SO2, CO2   -  Long Term Integrated
USA EPA Method 6C -  SO2   -  Instrumental
USA EPA Method 7   -  Nitrogen Oxide (NOx)
USA EPA Method 7A -  NOx - Ion Chromatographic Method
USA EPA Method 7B -  NOx - Ultraviolet Spectrophotometry
USA EPA Method 7C -  NOx - Colorimetric Method
USA EPA Method 7D -  NOx - Ion Chromatographic
USA EPA Method 7E -  NOx - Instrumental
USA EPA Method 8   -  Sulfuric Acid Mist
USA EPA Method 9   -  Visual Opacity


>USA EPA Method 10   -  Carbon Monoxide-NDIR
USA EPA Method 10A -  CO for Certifying CEMS
USA EPA Method 10B -  CO from Stationary Sources
USA EPA Method 11    -  H2S Content of Fuel
USA EPA Method 12   -  Inorganic Lead
USA EPA Method 13A -  Total Fluoride (SPADNS Zirconium Lake)
USA EPA Method 13B -  Total Fluoride (Specific Ion Electrode)
USA EPA Method 14   -  Fluoride for Primary Aluminum Plants
USA EPA Method 14a   -  Determination Of Total Fluoride Emissions From Selected Sources At Primary Aluminum Production Facilities
USA EPA Method 15   -  Hydrogen Sulfide, Carbonyl Sulfide, and Carbon Disulfide
USA EPA Method 15A -  Total Reduced Sulfur Emissions From Sulfur Recovery Plants in Petroleum Refineries
USA EPA Method 16   -  Sulfur (Semicontinuous Determination)
USA EPA Method 16A -  Total Reduced Sulfur (Impinger)
USA EPA Method 16B -  Total Reduced Sulfur (GC Analysis)
USA EPA Method 17   -  In-Stack Particulate (PM)
USA EPA Method 18   -  VOC by GC
USA EPA Method 19   -  SO2 Removal & PM, SO2, NOx Rates from Electric Utility Steam Generators
USA EPA Method 20   -  NOx from Stationary Gas Turbines
USA EPA Method 21   -  VOC Leaks
USA EPA Method 22   -  Fugitive Opacity
USA EPA Method 23     - Dioxin and Furan (02/91 FR Copy)
USA EPA Method 24   -  Surface Coatings
USA EPA Method 24A -  Publication Rotogravure Inks and Related Publication Rotogravure Coatings
USA EPA Method 25   -  Gaseous Nonmethane Organic Emissions
USA EPA Method 25A -  Gaseous Organic Concentration (Flame Ionization)
USA EPA Method 25B -  Gaseous Organic Concentration (Infrared Analyzer)
USA EPA Method 25C -  Nonmethane Organic Compounds (Nmoc) In Landfill Gases
USA EPA Method 25D -  VOC of Waste Samples
USA EPA Method 25E -  Vapor Phase Organic Concentration in Waste Samples
USA EPA Method 26   -  Hydrogen Chloride, Halides, Halogens
USA EPA Method 26A -  Hydrogen Halide & Halogen-Isokinetic
USA EPA Method 27   -  Vapor Tightness of Gasoline Tank-Pressure Vacuum
USA EPA Method 28   -  Certification and AuditinG -  Wood Heaters
USA EPA Method 28A -  Air to Fuel Ratio, Burn RatE -  Wood-fired Appliances
USA EPA Method 29   -  Metals Emissions from Stationary Sources
USA EPA Method 30A -  Total Vapor Phase Mercury Emissions From Stationary Sources (Instrumental Procedure)
USA EPA Method 30B -  Total Vapor Phase Mercury Emissions From Coal-Fired Combustion Sources (Sorbent Trap)


USA EPA Method 101   -  Mercury from Chlor-Alkali Plants (Air)
USA EPA Method 101A -  Mercury from Sewage Sludge Incinerators
USA EPA Method 102   -  Mercury from Chlor-Alkali Plants (Hydrogen Streams)
USA EPA Method 103     - Beryllium Screening Method
USA EPA Method 104   -  Beryllium Emissions Determination
USA EPA Method 105   -  Mercury in Wastewater Treatment Plant Sewage Sludge
USA EPA Method 106   -  Vinyl Chloride
USA EPA Method 107   -  Vinyl Chloride Content of Inprocess Wastewater Samples
USA EPA Method 107A -  Vinyl Choride Content of Solvents
USA EPA Method 108   -  Particulate & Gaseous Arsenic Emissions
USA EPA Method 108A -  Arsenic Content in Ore Samples from Nonferrous Smelters
USA EPA Method 108B -  Arsenic
USA EPA Method 108C -  Arsenic
USA EPA Method 111   -  Polonium-210 Emissions
USA EPA Method 114   -  Radionuclide Emissions
USA EPA Method 115   -  Radon-222 Emissions


USA EPA Method 201   -  PM10 (In-stack, CRS)
USA EPA Method 201A -  PM10 (In-stack, CRS) (revised with figures)
USA EPA Method 202   -  Condensible Particulate
USA EPA Method 203   -  Opacity Of Emissions From Stationary Sources By Continuous Opacity Monitoring
USA EPA Method 203A - Visual Opacity - Stationary Sources - Time-Averaged Regulations
USA EPA Method 204   -  Permanent or Temporary Total Enclosure (TTE) for Determining Capture Efficiency
USA EPA Method 204A -  VOCs in Liquid Input Stream
USA EPA Method 204B -  VOCs in Captured Stream
USA EPA Method 204C -  VOCs in Captured Stream (Dilution Technique)
USA EPA Method 204D -  Fugitive VOCs from Temporary Total Enclosure
USA EPA Method 204E -  Fugitive VOCs from Building Enclosure
USA EPA Method 204F -  VOCs in Liquid Input Stream (Distillation)
USA EPA Method 205   -  Gas Dilution Calibration


USA EPA Method 301   -  Validation Protocol
USA EPA Method 303     - By-product Coke Oven Batteries
USA EPA Method 303A -  Nonrecovery Coke Oven Batteries
USA EPA Method 304A -  Biodegradation Rates-Vent Option
USA EPA Method 304B -  Biodegradation Rates- Scrubber Option
USA EPA Method 305   -  Potential VOC in Waste
USA EPA Method 306   -  Chromium Emissions Electroplating/Anodizing
USA EPA Method 306A -  Chromium Emissions Electroplating/Anodizing (Mason Jar Method)
USA EPA Method 306B -  Surface Tension for Tanks Electroplating/Anodizing
USA EPA Method 307   -  Emissions from Solvent Vapor Cleaners (Dec. 2, 1994)
USA EPA Method 308   -  Methanol Emissions (Appeared in Federal Register 11/14/97)
USA EPA Method 310A -  Residual Hexane
USA EPA Method 310B -  Residual Solvent
USA EPA Method 310C -  Residual N-Hexane in EDPM Rubber
USA EPA Method 311   -  HAPS in Paints & Coatings
USA EPA Method 312A -  Styrene in SBR Latex (GC).
USA EPA Method 312B -  Styrene in SBR Latex by Capillary GC
USA EPA Method 312C -  Styrene in SBR Latex Produced by Emulsion Polymerization
USA EPA Method 313A -  Residual Hydrocarbon in Rubber Crumb
USA EPA Method 313B -  Residual HC in Rubber Crumb by Capillary GC
USA EPA Method 315   -  PM and MCEM from Aluminum Production Facilities
USA EPA Method 316   -  Sample & Analysis for Formaldehyde Emissions in the Mineral Wool & Wool Fiberglass Industries
USA EPA Method 318   -  Extractive FTIR Method for Measurement of Emissions from the Mineral Wool and Wool Fiberglass Industries
USA EPA Method 320   -  Vapor Phase Organic & Inorganic Emissions by Extractive FTIR
USA EPA Method 321   -  Gaseous HCl Emissions at Portland Cement Kilns by FTIR
USA EPA Method 325a   -  Volatile Organic Compounds from Fugitive and Area Sources: Sampler Deployment and VOC Sample Collection
USA EPA Method 325b   -  Volatile Organic Compounds from Fugitive and Area Sources: Sampler Preparation and Analysis

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