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EPA Methods List with Links

Method 303-Determination Of Visible Emissions From By-Product Coke Oven Batteries

NOTE: This method is not inclusive with respect to observer certification. Some material is incorporated by reference from other methods in appendix A to 40 CFR part 60. Therefore, to obtain reliable results, persons using this method should have a thorough knowledge of Method 9.

Content [ show/hide ].

1.0 Scope and Application.

1.1 Applicability. This method is applicable for the determination of visible emissions (VE) from the following by-product coke oven battery sources: charging systems during charging; doors, topside port lids, and off-take systems on operating coke ovens; and collecting mains. This method is also applicable for qualifying observers for visually determining the presence of VE.

2.0 Summary of Method.

2.1 A certified observer visually determines the VE from coke oven battery sources. Certification procedures are presented. This method does not require that opacity of emissions be determined or that magnitude be differentiated.

3.0 Definitions.

3.1 Bench

Means the platform structure in front of the oven doors.

3.2 By-product Coke oven Battery

Means a source consisting of a group of ovens connected by common walls, where coal undergoes destructive distillation under positive pressure to produce coke and coke oven gas, from which byproducts are recovered.

3.3 Charge or charging period

Means the period of time that commences when coal begins to flow into an oven through a topside port and ends when the last charging port is recapped.

3.4 Charging system

Means an apparatus used to charge coal to a coke oven (e.g., a larry car for wet coal charging systems).

3.5 Coke oven door

Means each end enclosure on the push side and the coking side of an oven. The chuck, or leveler-bar, door is considered part of the push side door. The coke oven door area includes the entire area on the vertical face of a coke oven between the bench and the top of the battery between two adjacent buck stays.

3.6 Coke side

Means the side of a battery from which the coke is discharged from ovens at the end of the coking cycle.

3.7 Collecting main

Means any apparatus that is connected to one or more off-take systems and that provides a passage for conveying gases under positive pressure from the by-product coke oven battery to the by-product recovery system.

3.8 Consecutive charges

Means charges observed successively, excluding any charge during which the observer's view of the charging system or topside ports is obscured.

3.9 Damper-off

Means to close off the gas passage between the coke oven and the collecting main, with no flow of raw coke oven gas from the collecting main into the oven or into the oven's off-take system(s).

3.10 Decarbonization period

Means the period of time for combusting oven carbon that commences when the oven lids are removed from an empty oven or when standpipe caps of an oven are opened. The period ends with the initiation of the next charging period for that oven.

3.11 Larry car

Means an apparatus used to charge coal to a coke oven with a wet coal charging system.

3.12 Log average

Means logarithmic average as calculated in Section 12.4.

3.13 Off-take system

Means any individual oven apparatus that is stationary and provides a passage for gases from an oven to a coke oven battery collecting main or to another oven. Off-take system components include the standpipe and standpipe caps, goosenecks, stationary jumper pipes, mini-standpipes, and standpipe and gooseneck connections.

3.14 Operating oven

Means any oven not out of operation for rebuild or maintenance work extensive enough to require the oven to be skipped in the charging sequence.

3.15 oven

Means a chamber in the coke oven battery in which coal undergoes destructive distillation to produce coke.

3.16 Push side

Means the side of the battery from which the coke is pushed from ovens at the end of the coking cycle.

3.17 Run

Means the observation of visible emissions from topside port lids, off-take systems, coke oven doors, or the charging of a single oven in accordance with this method.

3.18 Shed

Means an enclosure that covers the side of the coke oven battery, captures emissions from pushing operations and from leaking coke oven doors on the coke side or push side of the coke oven battery, and routes the emissions to a control device or system.

3.19 Standpipe cap

Means An apparatus used to cover the opening in the gooseneck of an off-take system.

3.20 Topside port lid

Means a cover, removed during charging or decarbonizing, that is placed over the opening through which coal can be charged into the oven of a byproduct coke oven battery.

3.21 Traverse time

Means accumulated time for a traverse as measured by a stopwatch. Traverse time includes time to stop and write down oven numbers but excludes time waiting for obstructions of view to clear or for time to walk around obstacles.

3.22 Visible Emissions or VE

Means any emission seen by the unaided (except for corrective lenses) eye, excluding steam or condensing water.

4.0 Interferences. [Reserved]

5.0 Safety.

5.1 Disclaimer.

This method may involve hazardous materials, operations, and equipment. This test method may not address all of the safety problems associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this test method to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations

prior to performing this test method.

5.2 Safety Training.

Because coke oven batteries have hazardous environments, the training materials and the field training (Section 10.0) shall cover the precautions required by the company to address health and safety hazards. Special emphasis shall be given to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) regulations pertaining to exposure of coke oven workers (see Reference 3 in Section 16.0). In general, the regulation requires that special fire-retardant clothing and respirators be worn in certain restricted areas of the coke oven battery. The OSHA regulation also prohibits certain activities, such as chewing gum, smoking, and eating in these areas.

6.0 Equipment and Supplies. [Reserved].

7.0 Reagents and Standards. [Reserved]

8.0 Sample Collection, Preservation, Transport, and Storage. [Reserved]

9.0 Quality Control. [Reserved]

10.0 Calibration and Standardization.

Observer certification and training requirements areas follows:

10.1 Certification Procedures.

This method requires only the determination of whether VE occur and does not require the determination of opacity levels; therefore, observer certification according to Method 9 in appendix A to part 60 of this chapter is not required to obtain certification under this method. However, in order to receive Method 303 observer certification, the first-time observer (trainee) shall have attended the lecture portion of the Method 9 certification course. In addition, the trainee shall successfully complete the Method 303 training course, satisfy the field observation requirement, and demonstrate adequate performance and sufficient knowledge of Method 303. The Method 303 training course shall be conducted by or under the sanction of the EPA and shall consist of classroom instruction and field observations, and a proficiency test.

10.1.1 The classroom instruction shall familiarize the trainees with Method 303 through lecture, written training materials, and a Method 303 demonstration video. A successful completion of the classroom portion of the Method 303 training course shall be demonstrated by a perfect score on a written test. If the trainee fails to answer all of the questions correctly, the trainee may review the appropriate portion of the training materials and retake the test.

10.1.2 The field observations shall be a minimum of 12 hours and shall be completed before attending the Method 303 certification course. Trainees shall observe the operation of a coke oven battery as it pertains to Method 303, including topside operations, and shall also practice conducting Method 303 or similar methods. During the field observations, trainees unfamiliar with coke battery operations shall receive instruction from an experienced coke oven observer familiar with Method 303 or similar methods and with the operation of coke batteries. The trainee must verify completion of at least 12 hours of field observation prior to attending the Method 303 certification course.

10.1.3 All trainees must demonstrate proficiency in the application of Method 303 to a panel of three certified Method 303 observers, including an ability to differentiate coke oven emissions from condensing water vapor and smoldering coal. Each panel member shall have at least 120 days experience in reading visible emissions from coke ovens. The visible emissions inspections that will satisfy the experience requirement must be inspections of coke oven battery fugitive emissions from the emission points subject to emission standards under subpart L of this part (i.e., coke oven doors, topside port lids, off-take system(s), and charging operations), using either Method 303 or predecessor State or local test methods. A "day's experience" for a particular inspection is a day on which one complete inspection was performed for that emission point under Method 303 or a predecessor State or local method. A "day's experience" does not mean 8 or 10 hours performing inspections, or any particular time expressed in minutes or hours that may have been spent performing them. Thus, it would be possible for an individual to qualify as a Method 303 panel member for some emission points, but not others (e.g., an individual might satisfy the experience requirement for coke oven doors, but not topside port lids).

Until November 15, 1994, the EPA may waive the certification requirement (but not the experience requirement) for panel members. The composition of the panel shall be approved by the EPA. The panel shall observe the trainee in a series of training runs and a series of certification runs. There shall be a minimum of 1 training run for doors, topside port lids, and off-take systems, and a minimum of 5 training runs (i.e., 5 charges) for charging. During training runs, the panel can advise the trainee on proper procedures. There shall be a minimum of 3 certification runs for doors, topside port lids, and off-take systems, and a minimum of 15 certification runs for charging (i.e., 15 charges). The certifications runs shall be unassisted. Following the certification test runs, the panel shall approve or disapprove certification based on the trainee's performance during the certification runs. To obtain certification, the trainee shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the panel a high degree of proficiency in performing Method 303. To aid in evaluating the trainee's performance, a checklist, provided by the EPA, will be used by the panel members.

10.2 Observer Certification/Recertification.

The coke oven observer certification is valid for 1 year from date of issue. The observer shall recertify annually by viewing the training video and answering all of the questions on the certification test correctly. Every 3 years, an observer shall be required to pass the proficiency test in Section 10.1.3 in order to be certified.

10.3 The EPA.

The EPA (or applicable enforcement agency) shall maintain records reflecting a certified observer's successful completion of the proficiency test, which shall include the completed proficiency test checklists for the certification runs.

10.4 An owner or operator

An owner or operator of a coke oven battery subject to subpart L of this part may observe a training and certification program under this section.

11.0 Procedure.

11.1 Procedure for Determining VE from Charging Systems During Charging.

11.1.1 Number of oven Charges.

Refer to 63.309(c)(1) of this part for the number of oven charges to observe. The observer shall observe consecutive charges. Charges that are nonconsecutive can only be observed when necessary to replace observations terminated prior to the completion of a charge because of visual interferences. (See Section 11.1.5).

11.1.2 Data Records.

Record all the information requested at the top of the charging system inspection sheet (Figure 303-1). For each charge, record the identification number of the oven being charged, the approximate beginning time of the charge, and the identification of the larry car used for the charge.

11.1.3 Observer Position.

Stand in an area or move to positions on the topside of the coke oven battery with an unobstructed view of the entire charging system. For wet coal charging systems or non-pipeline coal charging systems, the observer should have an unobstructed view of the emission points of the charging system, including larry car hoppers, drop sleeves, and the topside ports of the oven being charged. Some charging systems are configured so that all emission points can only be seen from a distance of five ovens. For other batteries, distances of 8 to 12 ovens are adequate.

11.1.4 Observation.

The charging period begins when coal begins to flow into the oven and ends when the last charging port is recapped. During the charging period, observe all of the potential sources of VE from the entire charging system. For wet coal charging systems or non-pipeline coal charging systems, sources of VE typically include the larry car hoppers, drop sleeves, slide gates, and topside ports on the oven being charged. Any VE from an open standpipe cap on the oven being charged is included as charging VE. Using an accumulative-type stopwatch with unit divisions of at least 0.5 seconds, determine the total time VE are observed as follows. Upon observing any VE emerging from any part of the charging system, start the stopwatch. Stop the watch when VE are no longer observed emerging, and restart the watch when VE reemerges. When VE occur simultaneously from several points during a charge, consider the sources as one. Time overlapping VE as continuous VE. Time single puffs of VE only for the time it takes for the puff to emerge from the charging system. Continue to time VE in this manner for the entire charging period. Record the accumulated time to the nearest 0.5 second under "Visible emissions, seconds" on Figure 303-1.

11.1.5 Visual Interference.

If fugitive VE from other sources at the coke oven battery site (e.g., door leaks or condensing water vapor from the coke oven wharf) prevent a clear view of the charging system during a charge, stop the stopwatch and make an appropriate notation under "Comments" on Figure 303-1. Label the observation an observation of an incomplete charge, and observe another charge to fulfill the requirements of Section 11.1.1.

11.1.6 VE Exemptions.

Do not time the following VE: The VE from burning or smoldering coal spilled on top of the oven, topside port lid, or larry car surfaces;

NOTE: The VE from smoldering coal are generally white or gray. These VE generally have a plume of less than 1 meter long. If the observer cannot safely and with reasonable confidence determine that VE are from charging, do not count them as charging emissions. The VE from the coke oven doors or from the leveler bar; or The VE that drift from the top of a larry car hopper if the emissions had already been timed as VE from the drop sleeve.

NOTE: When the slide gate on a larry car hopper closes after the coal has been added to the oven, the seal may not be airtight. On occasions, a puff of smoke observed at the drop sleeves is forced past the slide gate up into the larry car hopper and may drift from the top; time these VE either at the drop sleeves or the hopper. If the larry car hopper does not have a slide gate or the slide gate is left open or partially closed, VE may quickly pass through the larry car hopper without being observed at the drop sleeves and will appear as a strong surge of smoke; time these as charging VE.

11.1.7 Total Time Record.

Record the total time that VE were observed for each charging operation in the appropriate column on the charging system inspection sheet.

11.1.8 Determination of Validity of a Set of Observations.

Five charging observations (runs) obtained in accordance with this method shall be considered a valid set of observations for that day. No observation of an incomplete charge shall be included in a daily set of observations that is lower than the lowest reading for a complete charge. If both complete and incomplete charges have been observed, the daily set of observations shall include the five highest values observed. Four or three charging observations (runs) obtained in accordance with this method shall be considered a valid set of charging observations only where it is not possible to obtain five charging observations, because visual interferences (see Section 11.1.5) or inclement weather prevent a clear view of the charging system during charging. However, observations from three or four charges that satisfy these requirements shall not be considered a valid set of charging observations if use of such set of observations in a calculation under Section 12.4 would cause the value of A to be less than 145.

11.1.9 Log Average.

For each day on which a valid daily set of observations is obtained, calculate the daily 30-day rolling log average of seconds of visible emissions from the charging operation for each battery using these data and the 29 previous valid daily sets of observations, in accordance with Section 12.4.

11.2. Procedure for Determining VE from Coke oven Door Areas.

The intent of this procedure is to determine VE from coke oven door areas by carefully observing the door area from a standard distance while walking at a normal pace.

11.2.1 Number of Runs.

Refer to 63.309(c)(1) of this part for the appropriate number of runs.

11.2.2 Battery Traverse.

To conduct a battery traverse, walk the length of the battery on the outside of the pusher machine and quench car tracks at a steady, normal walking pace, pausing to make appropriate entries on the door area inspection sheet (Figure 303-2). A single test run consists of two timed traverses, one for the coke side and one for the push side. The walking pace shall be such that the duration of the traverse does not exceed an average of 4 seconds per oven door, excluding time spent moving around stationary obstructions or waiting for other obstructions to move from positions blocking the view of a series of doors. Extra time is allowed for each leak (a maximum of 10 additional seconds for each leaking door) for the observer to make the proper notation. A walking pace of 3 seconds per oven door has been found to be typical. Record the actual traverse time with a stopwatch. Include in the traverse time only the time spent observing the doors and recording door leaks. To measure actual traverse time, use an accumulative-type stopwatch with unit divisions of 0.5 seconds or less. Exclude interruptions to the traverse and time required for the observer to move to positions where the view of the battery is unobstructed, or for obstructions, such as the door machine, to move from positions blocking the view of a series of doors. Various situations may arise that will prevent the observer from viewing a door or a series of doors. Prior to the door inspection, the owner or operator may elect to temporarily suspend charging operations for the duration of the inspection, so that all of the doors can be viewed by the observer. The observer has two options for dealing with obstructions to view: (a) stop the stopwatch and wait for the equipment to move or the fugitive emissions to dissipate before completing the traverse; or (b) stop the stopwatch, skip the affected ovens, and move to an unobstructed position to continue the traverse. Restart the stopwatch and continue the traverse. After the completion of the traverse, if the equipment has moved or the fugitive emissions have dissipated, inspect the affected doors. If the equipment is still preventing the observer from viewing the doors, then the affected doors may be counted as not observed. If option (b) is used because of doors blocked by machines during charging operations, then, of the affected doors, exclude the door from the most recently charged oven from the inspection. Record the oven numbers and make an appropriate notation under "Comments" on the door area inspection sheet (Figure 303-2). When batteries have sheds to control emissions, conduct the inspection from outside the shed unless the doors cannot be adequately viewed. In this case, conduct the inspection from the bench. Be aware of special safety considerations pertinent to walking on the bench and follow the instructions of company personnel on the required equipment and procedures. If possible, conduct the bench traverse whenever the bench is clear of the door machine and hot coke guide.

11.2.3 Observations.

Record all the information requested at the top of the door area inspection sheet (Figure 303-2), including the number of non-operating ovens. Record the clock time at the start of the traverse on each side of the battery. Record which side is being inspected (i.e., coke side or push side). Other information may be recorded at the discretion of the observer, such as the location of the leak (e.g., top of the door, chuck door, etc.), the reason for any interruption of the traverse, or the position of the sun relative to the battery and sky conditions (e.g., overcast, partly sunny, etc.). Begin the test run by starting the stopwatch and traversing either the coke side or the push side of the battery. After completing one side, stop the watch. Complete this procedure on the other side. If inspecting more than one battery, the observer may view the push sides and the coke sides sequentially. During the traverse, look around the entire perimeter of each oven door. The door is considered leaking if VE are detected in the coke oven door area. The coke oven door area includes the entire area on the vertical face of a coke oven between the bench and the top of the battery between two adjacent buck stays (e.g., the oven door, chuck door, between the masonry brick, buck stay or jamb, or other sources). Record the oven number and make the appropriate notation on the door area inspection sheet (Figure 303-2).

NOTE: Multiple VE from the same door area (e.g., VE from both the chuck door and the push side door) are counted as only one emitting door, not as multiple emitting doors. Do not record the following sources as door area VE: VE from ovens with doors removed. Record the oven number and make an appropriate notation under "Comments;" VE from ovens taken out of service. The owner or operator shall notify the observer as to which ovens are out of service. Record the oven number and make an appropriate notation under "Comments;" or VE from hot coke that has been spilled on the bench as a result of pushing.

11.2.4 Criteria for Acceptance.

After completing the run, calculate the maximum time allowed to observe the ovens using the equation in Section 12.2. If the total traverse time exceeds T, void the run, and conduct another run to satisfy the requirements of 63.309(c)(1) of this part.

11.2.5 Percent Leaking Doors.

For each day on which a valid observation is obtained, calculate the daily 30-day rolling average for each battery using these data and the 29 previous valid daily observations, in accordance with Section 12.5.

11.3 Procedure for Determining VE from Topside Port Lids and Off-take Systems.

11.3.1 Number of Runs.

Refer to 63.309(c)(1) of this part for the number of runs to be conducted. Simultaneous runs or separate runs for the topside port lids and off-take systems may be conducted.

11.3.2 Battery Traverse.

To conduct a topside traverse of the battery, walk the length of the battery at a steady, normal walking pace, pausing only to make appropriate entries on the topside inspection sheet (Figure 303-3). The walking pace shall not exceed an average rate of 4 seconds per oven, excluding time spent moving around stationary obstructions or waiting for other obstructions to move from positions blocking the view. Extra time is allowed for each leak for the observer to make the proper notation. A walking pace of 3 seconds per oven is typical. Record the actual traverse time with a stopwatch.

11.3.3 Topside Port Lid Observations.

To observe lids of the ovens involved in the charging operation, the observer shall wait to view the lids until approximately 5 minutes after the completion of the charge. Record all the information requested on the topside inspection sheet (Figure 303-3). Record the clock time when traverses begin and end. If the observer's view is obstructed during the traverse (e.g., steam from the coke wharf, larry car, etc.), follow the guidelines given in Section To perform a test run, conduct a single traverse on the topside of the battery. The observer shall walk near the center of the battery but may deviate from this path to avoid safety hazards (such as open or closed charging ports, luting buckets, lid removal bars, and topside port lids that have been removed) and any other obstacles. Upon noting VE from the topside port lid(s) of an oven, record the oven number and port number, then resume the traverse. If any oven is dampered-off from the collecting main for decarbonization, note this under "Comments" for that particular oven.

NOTE: Count the number of topside ports, not the number of points, exhibiting VE, i.e., if a topside port has several points of VE, count this as one port exhibiting VE. Do not count the following as topside port lid VE: VE from between the brickwork and oven lid casing or VE from cracks in the oven brickwork. Note these VE under "Comments;" VE from topside ports involved in a charging operation. Record the oven number, and make an appropriate notation (e.g., not observed because ports open for charging) under "Comments;" Topside ports having maintenance work done. Record the oven number and make an appropriate notation under "Comments;" or Condensing water from wet-sealing material. Ports with only visible condensing water from wet-sealing material are counted as observed but not as having VE. Visible emissions from the flue inspection ports and caps.

11.3.4 Off-take Systems Observations.

To perform a test run, traverse the battery as in Section Look ahead and back two to four ovens to get a clear view of the entire off-take system for each oven. Consider visible emissions from the following points as off-take system VE: (a) the flange between the gooseneck and collecting main ("saddle"), (b) the junction point of the standpipe and oven ("standpipe base"), (c) the other parts of the off-take system (e.g., the standpipe cap), and (d) the junction points with ovens and flanges of jumper pipes. Do not stray from the traverse line in order to get a "closer look" at any part of the off-take system unless it is to distinguish leaks from interferences from other sources or to avoid obstacles. If the centerline does not provide a clear view of the entire off-take system for each oven (e.g., when standpipes are longer than 15 feet), the observer may conduct the traverse farther from (rather than closer to) the off-take systems. Upon noting a leak from an off-take system during a traverse, record the oven number. Resume the traverse. If the oven is dampered-off from the collecting main for decarbonization and VE are observed, note this under "Comments" for that particular oven. If any part or parts of an off-take system have VE, count it as one emitting off-take system. Each stationary jumper pipe is considered a single off-take system. Do not count standpipe caps open for a decarbonization period or standpipes of an oven being charged as source of off-take system VE. Record the oven number and write "Not observed" and the reason (i.e., decarb or charging) under "Comments."

NOTE: VE from open standpipes of an oven being charged count as charging emissions. All VE from closed standpipe caps count as off-take leaks.

11.3.5 Criteria for Acceptance.

After completing the run (allow 2 traverses for batteries with double mains), calculate the maximum time allowed to observe the topside port lids and/or off-take systems using the equation in Section 12.3. If the total traverse time exceeds T, void the run and conduct another run to satisfy the requirements of 63.309(c)(1) of this part.

11.3.6 Determining Leakage Percent

In determining the percent leaking topside port lids and percent leaking off-take systems, do not include topside port lids or off-take systems with VE from the following ovens: Empty ovens, including ovens undergoing maintenance, which are properly dampered off from the main. ovens being charged or being pushed. Up to 3 full ovens that have been dampered off from the main prior to pushing. Up to 3 additional full ovens in the pushing sequence that have been dampered off from the main for off-take system cleaning, for decarbonization, for safety reasons, or when a charging/pushing schedule involves widely separated ovens (e.g., a Marquard system); or that have been dampered off from the main for maintenance near the end of the coking cycle. Examples of reasons that ovens are dampered off for safety reasons are to avoid exposing workers in areas with insufficient clearance between standpipes and the larry car, or in areas where workers could be exposed to flames or hot gases from open standpipes, and to avoid the potential for removing a door on an oven that is not dampered off from the main.

11.3.7 Percent Leaking Topside Port Lids and Off-take Systems.

For each day on which a valid observation is obtained, calculate the daily 30-day rolling average for each battery using these data and the 29 previous valid daily observations, in accordance with Sections 12.6 and 12.7.

11.4 Procedure for Determining VE from Collecting Mains.

11.4.1 Traverse.

To perform a test run, traverse both the collecting main catwalk and the battery topside along the side closest to the collecting main. If the battery has a double main, conduct two sets of traverses for each run, i.e., one set for each main.

11.4.2 Data Recording.

Upon noting VE from any portion of a collection main, identify the source and approximate location of the source of VE and record the time under "Collecting main" on Figure 303-3; then resume the traverse.

11.4.3 Collecting Main Pressure Check.

After the completion of the door traverse, the topside port lids, and off-take systems, compare the collecting main pressure during the inspection to the collecting main pressure during the previous 8 to 24 hours. Record the following: (a) the pressure during inspection, (b) presence of pressure deviation from normal operations, and (c) the explanation for any pressure deviation from normal operations, if any, offered by the operators. The owner or operator of the coke battery shall maintain the pressure recording equipment and conduct the quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) necessary to ensure reliable pressure readings and shall keep the QA/QC records for at least 6 months. The observer may periodically check the QA/QC records to determine their completeness. The owner or operator shall provide access to the records within 1 hour of an observer's request.

12.0 Data Analysis and Calculations.

12.1 Nomenclature.

A = 150 or the number of valid observations (runs). The value of A shall not be less than 145, except for purposes of determinations under 63.306(c) [work practice plan implementation] or 63.306(d) [work practice plan revisions] of this part. No set of observations shall be considered valid for such a recalculation that otherwise would not be considered a valid set of observations for a calculation under this paragraph.

Di = Number of doors on non-operating ovens.

Dno = Number of doors not observed.

Dob = Total number of doors observed on operating ovens.

Dt = Total number of oven doors on the battery.

e = 2.72

J = Number of stationary jumper pipes.

L = Number of doors with VE.

Lb = Yard-equivalent reading.

Ls = Number of doors with VE observed from the bench under sheds.

Ly = Number of doors with VE observed from the yard.

Ly = Number of doors with VE observed from the yard on the push side.

ln = Natural logarithm.

N = Total number of ovens in the battery.

Ni = Total number of inoperable ovens.

PNO = Number of ports not observed.

Povn = Number of ports per oven.

PVE = Number of topside port lids with VE.

PLD = Percent leaking coke oven doors for the test run.

PLL = Percent leaking topside port lids for the run.

PLO = Percent leaking off-take systems.

T = Total time allowed for traverse, seconds.

Tovn = Number of off-take systems (excluding jumper pipes) per oven.

TNO = Number of off-take systems not observed.

TVE = Number of off-take systems with VE.

Xi = Seconds of VE during the ith charge.

Z = Number of topside port lids or off-take systems with VE.

12.2 Criteria for Acceptance for VE Determinations from Coke oven Door Areas.

After completing the run, calculate the maximum time allowed to observe the ovens using the following equation:

12.3 Criteria for Acceptance for VE Determinations from Topside Port Lids and Off-take Systems.

After completing the run (allow 2 traverses for batteries with double mains), calculate the maximum time allowed to observe the topside port lids and/or off-take systems by the following equation:

12.4 Average Duration of VE from Charging Operations.

Use Equation 303-3 to calculate the daily 30-day rolling log average of seconds of visible emissions from the charging operation for each battery using these current day's observations and the 29 previous valid daily sets of observations.

12.5 Percent Leaking Doors (PLD).

Determine the total number of doors for which observations were made on the coke oven battery as follows:

12.5.1 For each test run (one run includes both the coke side and the push side traverses), sum the number of doors with door area VE. For batteries subject to an approved alternative standard under 63.305 of this part, calculate the push side and the coke side PLD separately.

12.5.2 Calculate percent leaking doors by using Equation 303-5:

12.5.3 When traverses are conducted from the bench under sheds, calculate the coke side and the push side separately. Use Equation 303-6 to calculate a yard-equivalent reading:

If Lb is less than zero, use zero for Lb in Equation 303-7 in the calculation of PLD. Use Equation 303-7 to calculate PLD:

Round off PLD to the nearest hundredth of 1 percent and record as the percent leaking coke oven doors for the run. Average Percent Leaking Doors. Use Equation 303-8 to calculate the daily 30-day rolling average percent leaking doors for each battery using these current day's observations and the 29 previous valid daily sets of observations.

12.6 Topside Port Lids.

Determine the percent leaking topside port lids for each run as follows:

12.6.1 Round off this percentage to the nearest hundredth of 1 percent and record this percentage as the percent leaking topside port lids for the run.

12.6.2 Average Percent Leaking Topside Port Lids. Use Equation 303-10 to calculate the daily 30-day rolling average percent leaking topside port lids for each battery using these current day's observations and the 29 previous valid daily sets of observations.

12.7 Off-take Systems.

Determine the percent leaking off-take systems for the run as follows:

12.7.1 Round off this percentage to the nearest hundredth of 1 percent and record this percentage as the percent leaking off-take systems for the run.

12.7.2 Average Percent Leaking Off-take Systems. Use Equation 303-12 to calculate the daily 30-day rolling average percent leaking off-take systems for each battery using these current day's observations and the 29 previous valid daily sets of observations.

13.0 Method Performance. [Reserved]

14.0 Pollution Prevention. [Reserved]

15.0 Waste Management. [Reserved]

16.0 References.

1. Missan, R., and A. Stein. Guidelines for Evaluation of Visible Emissions Certification, Field Procedures, Legal Aspects, and Background Material. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. EPA Publication No. EPA-340/1-75-007. April 1975.

2. Wohlschlegel, P., and D. E. Wagoner. Guideline for Development of a Quality Assurance Program: Volume IX -Visual Determination of Opacity Emission from Stationary Sources. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. EPA Publication No. EPA-650/4-74-005i. November 1975.

3. U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration. Code of Federal Regulations. Title 29, Chapter XVII, Section 1910.1029(g). Washington, D.C. Government Printing Office. July 1, 1990.

4. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants; Coke oven Emissions from Wet-Coal Charged By-Product Coke oven Batteries; Proposed Rule and Notice of Public Hearing. Washington, D.C. Federal Register. Vol. 52, No. 78 (13586). April 23, 1987.

17.0 Tables, Diagrams, flowcharts, and Validation Data.

Figure 303-1. Charging System Inspection.

Figure 303-2. Door Area Inspection.

Figure 303-3. Topside Inspection.

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