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EPA Methods List with Links

US EPA Method 115-Monitoring For Radon-222 Emissions

This appendix describes the monitoring methods which must be used in determining the radon-222 emissions from underground uranium mines, uranium mill tailings piles, phosphogypsum stacks, and other piles of waste material emitting radon.

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1. Radon-222 Emissions from Underground Uranium Mine Vents.

1.1 Sampling Frequency and Calculation of Emissions.

Radon-222 emissions from underground uranium mine vents shall be determined using one of the following methods:

1.1.1 Continuous Measurement.

These measurements shall be made and the emissions calculated as follows:

(a) The radon-222 concentration shall be continuously measured at each mine vent whenever the mine ventilation system is operational.

(b) Each mine vent exhaust flow rate shall be measured at least 4 times per year.

(c) A weekly radon-222 emission rate for the mine shall be calculated and recorded weekly as follows:


 (d) The annual radon-222 emission rate is the sum of the weekly emission rates during a calendar year.

1.1.2 Periodic Measurement.

This method is applicable only to mines that continuously operate their ventilation system except for extended shutdowns. Mines which start up and shut down their ventilation system frequently must use the continuous measurement method describe in Section 1.1.1 above. Emission rates determined using periodic measurements shall be measured and calculated as follows:

(a) The radon-222 shall be continuously measured at each mine vent for at least one week every three months.

(b) Each mine vent exhaust flow rate shall be measured at least once during each of the radon-222 measurement periods.

(c) A weekly radon-222 emission rate shall be calculated for each weekly period according to the method described in Section 1.1.1. In this calculation T=168 hr.

(d) The annual radon-222 emission rate from the mine should be

calculated as follows:


1.2 Test Methods and Procedures

Each underground mine required to test its emissions, unless an equivalent or alternative method has been approved by the Administrator, shall use the following test methods:

1.2.1 Test Method 1 of appendix A to part 60 shall be used to determine velocity traverses. The sampling point in the duct shall be either the centroid of the cross section or the point of average velocity.

1.2.2 Test Method 2 of appendix A to part 60 shall be used to determine velocity and volumetric flow rates.

1.2.3 Test Methods A-6 or A-7 of appendix B, Method 114 to part 61 shall be used for the analysis of radon-222. Use of Method A - 7 requires prior approval of EPA based on conditions described in appendix B.

1.2.4 A quality assurance program shall be conducted in conformance with the programs described for Continuous Radon Monitors and Alpha Track Detectors in EPA 520/1-89-009. (2)

2. Radon-222 Emissions from Uranium Mill Tailings Piles.

2.1 Measurement and Calculation of Radon Flux from Uranium Mill Tailings Piles.

2.1.1 Frequency of Flux Measurement.

A single set of radon flux measurements may be made, or if the owner or operator chooses, more frequent measurements may be made over a one year period. These measurements may involve quarterly, monthly or weekly intervals. All radon measurements shall be made as described in paragraphs 2.1.2 through 2.1.6 except that for measurements made over a one year period, the requirement of paragraph 2.1.4(c) shall not apply. The mean radon flux from the pile shall be the arithmetic mean of the mean radon flux for each measurement period. The weather conditions, moisture content of the tailings and area of the pile covered by water existing at the time of the measurement shall be chosen so as to provide measurements representative of the long term radon flux from the pile and shall be subject to EPA review and approval.

2.1.2 Distribution of Flux Measurements.

The distribution and number of radon flux measurements required on a pile will depend on clearly defined areas of the pile (called regions) that can have significantly different radon fluxes due to surface conditions. The mean radon flux shall be determined for each individual region of the pile. Regions that shall be considered for operating mill tailings piles are:

(a) Water covered areas,

(b) Water saturated areas (beaches),

(c) Dry top surface areas, and

(d) Sides, except where earthen material is used in dam construction.

For mill tailings after disposal the pile shall be considered to consist of only one region.

2.1.3 Number of Flux Measurements.

Radon flux measurements shall be made within each region on the pile, except for those areas covered with water. Measurements shall be made at regularly spaced locations across the surface of the region, realizing that surface roughness will prohibit measurements in some areas of a region. The minimum number of flux measurements considered necessary to determine a representative mean radon flux value for each type of region on an operating pile is:

(a) Water covered area-no measurements required as radon flux is assumed to be zero,

(b) Water saturated beaches-100 radon flux measurements,

(c) Loose and dry top surface-100 radon flux measurements,

(d) Sides-100 radon flux measurements, except where earthern material is used in dam construction.

For a mill tailings pile after disposal which consists of only one region a minimum of 100 measurements are required.

2.1.4 Restrictions to Radon Flux Measurements.

The following restrictions are placed on making radon flux measurements:

(a) Measurements shall not be initiated within 24 hours of a rainfall.

(b) If a rainfall occurs during the 24 hour measurements period, the measurement is invalid if the seal around the lip of the collector has washed away or if the collector is surrounded by water.

(c) Measurements shall not be performed if the ambient temperature is below 35F or if the ground is frozen.

2.1.5 Areas of Pile Regions.

The approximate area of each region of the pile shall be determined in units of square meters.

2.1.6 Radon Flux Measurement.

Measuring radon flux involves the adsorption of radon on activated charcoal in a large-area collector. The radon collector is placed on the surface of the pile area to be measured and allowed to collect radon for a time period of 24 hours. The radon collected on the charcoal is measured by gamma-ray spectroscopy. The detailed measurement procedure provided in appendix A of EPA 520/5-85-0029(1) shall be used to measure the radon flux on uranium mill tailings, except the surface of the tailings shall not be penetrated by the lip of the radon collector as directed in the procedure, rather the collector shall be carefully positioned on a flat surface with soil or tailings used to seal the edge.

2.1.7 Calculations.

The mean radon flux for each region of the pile and for the total pile shall be calculated and reported as follows:

(a) The individual radon flux calculations shall be made as provided in appendix A EPA 86 (1). The mean radon flux for each region of the pile shall be calculated by summing all individual flux measurements for the region and dividing by the total number of flux measurements for the region.

(b) The mean radon flux for the total uranium mill tailings pile shall be calculated as follows.


2.1.8 Reporting.

The results of individual flux measurements, the approximate locations on the pile, and the mean radon flux for each region and the mean radon flux for the total stack shall be included in the emission test report. Any condition or unusual event that occurred during the measurements that could significantly affect the results should be reported.

3.0 Radon-222 Emissions from Phosphogypsum Stacks.

3.1 Measurement and Calculation of the Mean Radon Flux.

Radon flux measurements shall be made on phosphogypsum stacks as described below:

3.1.1 Frequency of Measurements.

A single set of radon flux measurements may be made after the phosphogypsum stack becomes inactive, or if the owner or operator chooses, more frequent measurements may be made over a one year period. These measurements may involve quarterly, monthly or weekly intervals. All radon measurements shall be made as described in paragraphs 3.1.2 through 3.1.6 except that for measurements made over a one year period, the requirement of paragraph 3.1.4(c) shall not apply. For measurements made over a one year period, the radon flux shall be the arithmetic mean of the mean radon flux for each measurement period.

3.1.2 Distribution and Number of Flux Measurements.

The distribution and number of radon flux measurements required on a stack will depend on clearly defined areas of the stack (called regions) that can have significantly different radon fluxes due to surface conditions. The mean radon flux shall be determined for each individual region of the stack. Regions that shall be considered are:

(a) Water covered areas,

(b) Water saturated areas (beaches),

(c) Loose and dry top surface areas,

(d) Hard-packed roadways, and

(e) Sides.

3.1.3 Number of Flux Measurements.

Radon flux measurements shall be made within each region on the phosphogypsum stack, except for those areas covered with water. Measurements shall be made at regularly spaced locations across the surface of the region, realizing that surface roughness will prohibit measurements in some areas of a region. The minimum number of flux measurements considered necessary to determine a representative mean radon flux value for each type of region is:

(a) Water covered area-no measurements required as radon flux is assumed to be zero,

(b) Water saturated beaches-50 radon flux measurements,

(c) Loose and dry top surface-100 radon flux measurements,

(d) Hard-packed roadways-50 radon flux measurements, and

(e) Sides-100 radon flux measurements.

A minimum of 300 measurements are required. A stack that has no water cover can be considered to consist of two regions, top and sides, and will require a minimum of only 200 measurements.

3.1.4 Restrictions to Radon Flux Measurements.

The following restrictions are placed on making radon flux measurements:

(a) Measurements shall not be initiated within 24 hours of a rainfall.

(b) If a rainfall occurs during the 24 hour measurement period, the measurement is invalid if the seal around the lip of the collector has washed away or if the collector is surrounded by water.

(c) Measurements shall not be performed if the ambient temperature is below 35 F or if the ground is frozen.

3.1.5 Areas of Stack Regions.

The approximate area of each region of the stack shall be determined in units of square meters.

3.1.6 Radon Flux Measurements.

Measuring radon flux involves the adsorption of radon on activated charcoal in a large-area collector. The radon collector is placed on the surface of the stack area to be measured and allowed to collect radon for a time period of 24 hours. The radon collected on the charcoal is measured by gamma-ray spectroscopy. The detailed measurement procedure provided in appendix A of EPA 520/5-85-0029(1) shall be used to measure the radon flux on phosphogypsum stacks, except the surface of the phosphogypsum shall not be penetrated by the lip of the radon collector as directed in the procedure, rather the collector shall be carefully positioned on a flat surface with soil or phosphogypsum used to seal the edge.

3.1.7 Calculations.

The mean radon flux for each region of the phosphogypsum stack and for the total stack shall be calculated and reported as follows:

 (a) The individual radon flux calculations shall be made as provided in appendix A EPA 86 (1). The mean radon flux for each region of the stack shall be calculated by summing all individual flux measurements for the region and dividing by the total number of flux measurements for the region.

(b) The mean radon flux for the total phosphogypsum stack shall be calculated as follows.


3.1.8 Reporting.

The results of individual flux measurements, the approximate locations on the stack, and the mean radon flux for each region and the mean radon flux for the total stack shall be included in the emission test report. Any condition or unusual event that occurred during the measurements that could significantly affect the results should be reported.

4.0 Quality Assurance Procedures for Measuring Rn-222 Flux.

A. Sampling Procedures

Records of field activities and laboratory measurements shall be maintained. The following information shall be recorded for each charcoal canister measurement:

(a) Site

(b) Name of pile

(c) Sample location

(d) Sample ID number

(e) Date and time on

(f) Date and time off

(g) Observations of meteorological conditions and comments

Records shall include all applicable information associated with determining the sample measurement, calculations, observations, and comments.

B. Sample Custody

Custodial control of all charcoal samples exposed in the field shall be maintained in accordance with EPA chain-of-custody field procedures. A control record shall document all custody changes that occur between the field and laboratory personnel.

C. calibration Procedures and Frequency

The radioactivity of two standard charcoal sources, each containing a carefully determined quantity of radium-226 uniformly distributed through 180g of activated charcoal, shall be measured. An efficiency factor is computed by dividing the average measured radioactivity of the two standard charcoal sources, minus the background, in cpm by the known radioactivity of the charcoal sources in dpm. The same two standard charcoal sources shall be counted at the beginning and at the end of each day's counting as a check of the radioactivity counting equipment. A background count using unexposed charcoal should also be made at the beginning and at the end of each counting day to check for inadvertent contamination of the detector or other changes affecting the background. The unexposed charcoal comprising the blank is changed with each new batch of charcoal used.

D. Internal Quality Control Checks and Frequency

The charcoal from every tenth exposed canister shall be recounted. Five percent of the samples analyzed shall be either blanks (charcoal having no radioactivity added) or samples spiked with known quantities of radium-226.

E. Data Precision, Accuracy, and Completeness

The precision, accuracy, and completeness of measurements and analyses shall be within the following limits for samples measuring greater than 1.0 pCi/m2 -s.

(a) Precision: 10%

(b) Accuracy: ±10%

(c) Completeness: at least 85% of the measurements must yield useable results.

5.0 References.

(1) Hartley, J.N. and Freeman, H.D., "Radon Flux Measurements on Gardinier and Royster Phosphogypsum Piles Near Tampa and Mulberry, Florida," U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Report, EPA 520/5-85-029, January 1986.

(2) Environmental Protection Agency, "Indoor Radon and Radon Decay Product Measurement Protocols", EPA 520/1-89-009, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC. (1989). [38 FR 8826, Apr. 6, 1973]

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