One of the differences between a sorbent trap mercury monitoring system and conventional mercury CEMS is that data from a sorbent trap system cannot be readily disaggregated. Although data accumulation from a sorbent trap sampling system is continuous, the use of this information relies on the aggregation of the data over a discrete sampling event.
CleanAir recognized early on the potential challenges of integrating event-oriented sorbent-trap data with the plant's DAHS. To address these challenges, we designed the MET-80 around an industry-standard programmable automation controller (PAC).
The MET-80 PAC transmits system operating status, alarms, sampling data, and quality assurance and calibration information via Modbus TCP. The plant can also input system-critical data to the MET-80 via Modbus. Such data include process operation status, stack gas flow and DAHS synchronization time.
The MET-80 runs on CleanAir's own METRIC® software package, which allows a variety of configurations for users to see the data and control the sampling hardware. Operators may access the system software using local hand-held devices, desktop workstations, networked plant computers and remote connection via the internet.
The MET-80 design results in seamless system integration. We currently have fully-integrated systems running on DAHS platforms from ESC, Cisco and B&W.
Purchase, demonstration and custom solutions available.
For more information about the MET-80, or to arrange a presentation at your plant or office, call or email us.