What is the typical time period from shipment of sampes to receipt of test results?
Our standard turn around time for analytical results for most air methods is two weeks or ten business days from receipt of field samples. Our actual analysis turn around time typically averages 4-7 business days.
Do you offer quick turnaround times for test results?
Yes, in fact we deal with rush projects all the time. Ask about our rates and availability for these services. Note: Quick turnaround times may be limited for certain methods.
How do we receive our results?
Typically we email PDF format reports once approved by quality assurance.
How long do you store analyzed samples and data associated with their analysis?
We generally archive field samples for 1 year before disposal. Test results are stored indefinitely and backed up digitally.
Are you NELAC accredited?
Yes! Please see our current certificates below. Contact us for our current scope.
We are also New Jersey DEP accredited: