APC Equipment Testing / Optimization

Whether you need to demonstrate performance guarantees of newly installed equipment or optimize existing equipment to maintain peak performance, CleanAir has experience testing virtually all forms of air pollution control (APC) systems used to control stationary source emissions in a multitude of industries.

Our test engineers have expertise with ASME, EPA, EPRI, ANSI, ISO, and ASTM testing and analytical methods relevant to air pollution control and have available a vast inventory of state-of-the-art testing equipment and instrumentation ranging from precision RTDs, pressure transducers and power consumption meters to O2 / CO2 / CO / NOx / SO2 analyzers, multi-point automated sampling systems, to online spectrographic analysis and data acquisition systems and software.

ESP / Fabric Filter AIG Tuning
FGD / Scrubbers SCR / SNCR Performance
Mercury Control Thermal Oxidation


Related Services:

Particle Characterization Laboratory
Performance Group
Power Consumption
Performance Test Instruments / Data Acquisition Systems

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