Air Heater Efficiency

CleanAir provides air heater efficiency and air in-leakage testing in accordance with accepted industry protocols (ASME PTC 4.3).   By determining the average inlet and outlet concentration of either flue gas excess oxygen (O2) or carbon dioxide (CO2), the air in-leakage into the system can be calculated.   The temperature of the flue gas leaving the airheater has a direct influence on unit efficiency.   For example, a 70°F increase in this temperature could result in a 0.5% decrease in unit efficiency.   Causes of an increase in this temperature are fouling of the internal and external heat transfer surfaces of the furnace, superheaters, reheaters and economizers or fouling, corrosion/erosion and blocking of airheater elements.

Related Services:

Multi-point Automated Sampling System
Thermal Performance
Performance / Efficiency Services

