Support CleanAir Initiatives
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Help Support CleanAir Initiatives: Donate Today

CleanAir has a history of supporting special causes and fighting concepts that are counter-productive to global sustainability. Many of these are for the benefit of mankind and have nothing to do with corporate profit. However, they cost money and we welcome support from anyone willing to help .

Some of CleanAir's gifts to the world are:

Helping NELAC find their compass when they thought they could apply the water testing solutions to air testing. Read all about it here. (Note: be sure to click on "More News and Announcements" at the bottom of a year 2002 page)

When EPA first proposed squeezing stack testers into an accreditation program under NELAC designed for laboratories, it was evident that implementation of this program would be a disaster for stack testing companies, particularly small companies. For a decade, CleanAir led the fight to prevent this from happening. First, CleanAir organized "Environmental Data Improvement Group" (EDIG) which lead a face-to-face lobbying campaign and went to Washington with representatives of small and large stack testing companies to bring the issue to the attention of congressmen and senators. Our objective was to pull funding from the NELAC program. Faced with these funding cuts, NELAC agreed to allow industry a two year window to organize a quality program. Knowing that NELAC would be back without a strong, affirmative program, CleanAir led the way to the writing of ASTM D-7036, a consensus-based competency standard for stack testing companies. Once this was accomplished, the Stack Testing Accreditation Council (STAC) was established with the help of many other stack testing companies to implement the ASTM standard nationwide. Today, we have a strong, independent consensus accreditation program supported by both EPA and NELAC.

CleanAir has invested more than $250,000 in the effort to preserve stack tester independence and stave off the specter of a burdensome and expensive government accreditation program.

Funding research to establish the chemistry and physics to create a low concentration spiking system for Sulfur Trioxide (SO3) measurement. Read more about this here.

If you would like to help support the CleanAir Causes and Initiatives you can do it here.

More detailed informationon our initatives is available here.

Please be aware that a donation to CleanAir is not tax deductible and that we will also pay tax on it. However, we will not add any overhead and will match your after tax contribution up to $50,000. If you want to make a significant change for the good of global sustainability, this is an excellent cause.

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